Tickets for “Into The Woods”

Our premium seating tickets for “Into The Woods” are now available!

Premium seating tickets reserve spots in one of the first two rows of the amphitheater at Clary Gardens. These seats will be provided by the Gardens and you will not need to bring your own seats to the performance.

General seating tickets will be open for reservation soon! General seating tickets are free to reserve. You will want to bring your own lawn-chairs or blankets to sit on.

Whether you want seats in the front rows or want to spread out in the back, you may also make a donation to Rogue Elephant Productions when reserving your tickets. As we are operating as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit company, your donations are tax deductible and help us further our mission to bring more of the performing arts to Coshocton County. All donations help defray the costs of putting on productions and help us in our goal to ensure that all of our public performances will have free seats available to all.

To get your premium seating tickets now, head over to Check back soon for general seating tickets!


Two Weeks To Opening…


“Into The Woods” - UPDATES!